Thursday, June 27, 2013

4 mile run/workout

Just to catch up from yesterday. I took the day off from running. I did workout though. I did 3x10 pull ups, 3x20 push ups, 3x20 sit ups.
This morning I ran 4 miles. It was muggy out this morning as I ran. Was cool to watch the lightning show going on off in the distance while I ran. Another run without a watch this morning. I think I enjoy this running more without a watch.
After my run this morning, I performed my workout. I did 3x10 pull ups, 3x20 push ups, 3x20 sit ups. Stretch afterwards.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Morning routine

This morning had a good run and workout. I did another 3 mile run at a slow easy pace. I was pretty stiff from yesterday's 2 runs, but I just pushed along. No matter how sore or stiff I am when I start a run, I always feel great by the time I finish. Today I ran without my watch again. I really believe this is helping to keep me at a slower pace.
After my run I did my workout routine. Today was 2x10 pull ups, 2x20 push ups, 2x20 sit ups. I will increase to 3 sets tomorrow. So every 3rd day will add a set.
Hope all have great Tuesday!

Monday, June 24, 2013

3 mile evening run

Well...I have completed my second run of the day. It was 3 miles again and this time I reversed my route. This was little more challenging. I did not realize how much downhill I ran this morning until I reversed the route and it seemed all uphill. I ran this evening without a watch again. This is tough...but I enjoyed it.

3 mile run/workout

This morning had a great 3 mile run. I didn't have my watch to look at for pace. I really think it allowed me to slow down and enjoy the run more. I was not looking at my wrist constantly to see what pace was or pushing to increase the pace...just a good steady run.
After my run I did 2x10 pull ups, 2x20 push ups, 2x20 sit ups. Then I stretched out really good.
I know 3 miles is not enough mileage to be training for marathon. I am going to run 2x day at 3-5 mile distances for next couple weeks to build more endurance. I will be logging the miles just not by doing 6-10 miles at one time daily. I will do a long run 1x a week.
Hope everyone has great week!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

3 mile run

This morning had a good 3 mile run. The weather was cool, not too humid, for my run. I ran at an average of 8:34 mile pace today. Faster than I wanted to or felt like I was running at. This morning I still had some soreness and stiffness from weekend race. It did ease as I got further into my run.
Last night I did 10 pull ups, 40 push ups, 15 bridges, 30 sit ups, and 10 Mason twists. I will do the same routine tonight as well.
Have a wonderful day training!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to Basics

Last night decided I needed to return to basics to get me back to where I was in April. Right now I am 20 lbs heavier, could definitely tell it this past Saturday. So back to the Paleo style of eating to get my nutrition on track and cut the weight back down. Also the next 4 weeks is dedicated to getting my miles back up to where they should already be. I can not jump quick, but I will do daily runs to increase my endurance and stamina, and slowly increase my distance over this time. During these 4 weeks I will do push ups, pull ups and abdominal exercises daily to keep strength and cut body fat.
This morning I did a 3 mile run. I was stiff and little sore from Saturday's 10 mile race. I ran at 9:30 mile pace. It felt good to be out there running. The next 4 weeks will be rewarding, this will be the foundation to improving myself the next 16 weeks for the marathon I am scheduled to run.
Have a great Monday and wish everyone the best with their training.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Moon Pie 10 mile race

This morning I ran a 10 mile race in Bell Buckle, TN. It was the Moon Pie 10 miler. The course had many rolling hills and several good climbs, biggest at 4.5 mile mark. The weather was warm and humid. We did have a slight breeze. The event and race were good, but I was mad at myself for my finish time. I completed the 10 miles in 1 hr and 30 min. I was wanting to finish under 1 hr 20 min. But that did not happen. First time since last May 2012 that I had to walk in a road race.
I learned some valuable lessons today in this race. Most important never run a 10 mile race when not prepared. Especially one with all them hills. Next I learned my training over last month has been near non-existent. Hard to run a 10 mile race when last real run was Memorial Day Weekend when I ran 13 miles. Since then I have ran 3 miles 2x and 4 miles 1x plus a couple days of sprints. I have done push ups, pull ups and core stuff, but it did not help my running. Lastly my eating has been a huge issue lately. My nutrition intake has been very poor. That in itself causes major issues when training.
So I am taking tomorrow to re-evaluate my training and get things right with my nutrition. I have 16 weeks til my marathon. I know training will need to be involved to complete it.
Yes I did complete the race, but was upset with myself for the time completed it in and the way my training has been last month. It is time to get back to basics and work hard!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6/4/13 PM Session

Tonight was round 2 of my workout for the day. It was the 30 day challenges that I am doing. Hopefully during the next 30 days I will develop a stronger core and a stronger back and chest. These routines are on top of my normal workouts.
Began workout with 8 pull ups. Afterwards did 45 push ups. Finished up with the ab challenge: 20 sit ups, 8 crunches, 8 leg lifts, 12 sec low plank.
Great way to end a day!

6/4/13 Workout

Another good morning! Even though breathing still little compromised from the sinus infection. Today was interval training. Screwed up on the distance for recovery jogs, forgot to change distance, so they were shorter than I was expecting.
Started the morning with 4 minutes of jump rope. Getting better each week. Afterwards I did my sprint intervals. Today was 6-400 meter sprints under 5K pace (6:45 min/mile and faster per sprint) with 6-250 meter recovery jogs. The recovery jogs were to be 400 meters as well...but I did not change my recovery distance on my watch. But it was all good.
After my sprints performed my 2 Tabata routines. Started with the upper body Tabata 2x4 min with 1 min rest between sets. Then did 2x4 min lower body Tabata with 1 min rest between sets. Finished today's workout with 8 toes to bar and stretches.
I still have my 30 day ab challenge, push up challenge, and push up challenge to be done this evening. Also have sandbag tosses, duck walks and bear crawls tonight... yay!

Monday, June 3, 2013

6/3/13 Workout/Discussion

Good morning world! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Well June has come, and that means Summer just around the corner and temps will begin to get hotter.
Back out here training today. I missed last half of last week due to sinus infection. Glad to see some rain this past weekend to wash some of the pollen out of air.
I do have some questions though: Why is it so easy to not workout and eat the right way? Why does it seem that the last 6 weeks I have had set backs of some sort? I know I have gained weight, weighed back in at 209 this AM. I have had difficult time getting back on track with my nutrition. It has been disappointing lately. Yes workouts were great last few weeks, but not eating right has prevented results I am looking for. So today begins the track back to my eating right and getting back to accomplishing my goals.
This morning's workout was good. I ran 3 miles in 28:13. I will increase mileage each run to build back to where was before took off. After my run, started back over with the push up and ab challenge, also added a pull up challenge for myself. I did 45 push ups, 15 sit ups, 5 crunches, 5 leg lifts, 10 sec low plank hold, and 5 pull ups. These challenges are 30 days and in addition to my regular routines. Finished my workout with stretches.
Only 2 weeks til my next race. So definitely got to get back into the swing of things. Wish everyone a great Monday!!