Friday, January 11, 2013

1/11/13 Workout

Another workout in the books. Another great routine. Really liking this changing it up daily.
Routine for time
Run 1 mile
30 squat jacks
25 tricep press in tuck position
10 walkouts
Run 1 mile
20 box jumps
20 DB curls
12 push ups with alt leg/arm lift
Run 1 mile
15 air squats
20 ski jumps
30 bicycles
Total time 38 min 38 sec


  1. Oh my goodness, this is one intensen workout. Or maybe it just looks more intense when it is written out like that. Either way, great job!

    1. Thanks Takara! It was intense, probably more so on paper. Once you get started and in the zone, you can accomplish anything. Try it some time and let me know.
