Sunday, July 28, 2013

Training Days 16-22

Hey all! I need to get back into habit of daily posts. But until I do, here is a recap of the past week. I really have began to increase my miles. I totalled 34 miles running for the week and 3.5 miles of moderate-hard hike. I ran one 5K night race. Been a good week overall.
Monday: ran 6 miles in 56:27. Averaged 9:25 pace. Felt really good for first 6 mile run in while. Had some nice hills, nothing real difficult. Only bad thing was I finished 1 mile from home. Got a little off my course. Thought I was going to be able to turn before actually did. But good cooldown walk after run. Stretch when done.
Tuesday: I ran 6 miles in 1.5 mile intervals with 3 min exercise routine at each interval. Great workout this day.
Ran 1.5 miles
Muscle ups til failure 3 min
Ran 1.5 miles
Burpees for 3 min
Ran 1.5 miles
Push ups for 3 min
Ran 1.5 miles
Bridges for 3 min
Wednesday: I ran another 6 mile run this morning. Slower pace than Monday. Little sore and stiff from previous 2 days. Completed this run in 59:21, a 9:53 pace. Still glad I got out and ran this morning. Not really worried about pace, just putting in the miles.
Thursday: This workout was inspired by +Lora Zayn. She had posted 2 HIIT routines the past 2 weeks to try, so I thought would try both in same day with 3 mile run intervals. Let me just say after the first interval, my butt was handed to me. I will definitely try this again this coming week. Here is the routine, I allowed 10 min between runs to do the HIIT workout.
Run 3 miles
AFAP (took me 9:35 to complete)
100 push up
100 crunches
100 squats (after this interval was done)
Run 3 miles
AFAP ( 3 rounds 15 reps each)
Overhead Press (alt single arm from ground to overhead total 30 reps per set)
Cross leg push ups (perform push up then bring one knee to alt elbow then bring other knee to alt elbow, repeat)
Did not make it to the 2nd interval, but don't know if would have completed in 10 min. We will see this coming week.
Friday: I ran the 3rd Annual Downtown After Dark 5k in McMinnville, TN that night. Great race, very hilly!! I ran a 23:37 time. Finished 7th overall and 1st in my age group. Not too bad for this race.
Saturday: Hiked 3.5 miles of moderate to hard trails in middle TN. Felt great to just be outside with the weather being nice.
Sunday: Today I ran 10 miles. Course was hilly with some pretty good climbs. I finished today's run in 1:35:49, average 9:35 pace. I wanted to maintain around a 10 min mile pace, so not too bad for today.
Can't wait to see what next week brings. I only have 10 weeks til race day for my Marathon. So the miles and training will continue to increase.
Hope everyone's training continues to go well.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Training Days 8-15

Did not post any last week. So here is recap of last week's workouts. Last Saturday night I ran a 5k that I did not post on. It was the Glo run in Nashville, TN. I don't think I had ever seen that many people at a 5k run. I ran it in just over 25 minutes...took forever to weave myself through the crowds to give myself a good running lane. But overall felt really good about my run...especially being 2nd of the day.
Sun-Tues I spent working on stretching and releasing my plantar fascia that flared up after the Glo run. That sucks more than any thing I have dealt with.
Wed and Thurs I was able to get back to training. I ran 4 miles each day. Heat and humidity biggest things to battle right  now. Kept my pace under 9 min mile for both runs.
Fri I ran 5 miles over a medium hilly course. The run felt great. No issues with plantar fascia. I ran at slower pace.
Saturday morning I did 3 mile run. Very slow pace. Legs were sore from past 3 days of running. Sure did feel good just to run.
Today is rest day with food prep for the week and workout design. I will be back on interval training with my runs. Looking forward to Mon. Hope everyone has great rest of weekend.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Training Day 7

This morning was a great run and routine. I had missed the last 2 days, 1 due to severe weather and the other due to work. But it was great to get back out this AM.
This morning I did a modified version of 'Cindy' from Crossfit. I did interval runs with 5 minutes between runs of as many rounds as possible, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats. I still only did 3 miles but did longer runs for the intervals.
Today's routine
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
(4 rounds)
1.5 mile run
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
(4 rounds)
1.5 mile run
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
(4 rounds)
Cool down and stretch
The 1/2 mile increase was not bad. The workout was tough. In all 60 push ups, 120 push ups, and 180 squats. I will add the other interval to bring it to the full 20 minutes of Cindy.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Training Day 4

Tonight's routine was great. I got done before the storm hit. I added another mile and interval routine to my workout. I was surprised that I was able to do the extra mile without much difficulty. I also increased the reps on burpees and sit ups. Fun fun! Added plank position today. Man!! That was the longest minute ever. Overall I was very pleased with tonight's effort and workout.
Today's workout
20 alt lunges
35 push ups
Run 1 mile
20 burpees
30 sit ups
Run 1 mile
1 min low plank position
15 v-push ups
Run 1 mile
30 squats
15 pull ups
Stretch for flexibility and cool down.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Training Day 3

Today was day 3 of my 13 week marathon training and I should say 15 week training for Spartan Sprint. I waited until late this evening due to the heat. It was 94 when got of work, but in upper 80's when I decided to workout at 745 PM. Started raining pretty steady about 1/2 mile before finishing my routine. It felt good to do the burpees in the rain. Instead of climbing a rope today, I climbed a 15' pole at the playground where the 1 mile mark is. That was just as hard as climbing a rope.
Today's routine
15 hammer pull ups
35 push ups
Run 1 mile
3 15' pole climb
20 flutter kicks
Run 1 mile
15 burpees
15 pull ups
Stretch to cool down and increase flexibility!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Training Day 2

This afternoon I did day 2 of my 13 week marathon training. Did another interval training routine. Stayed at 2 miles with the run. Won't take me long to get my distance back up. The run felt great. Burpees still suck, but I will keep them in my routine cause of all the benefits. I did do 12' climbs, now that is tough. I really need to learn technique on how to climb a rope.
2 12' rope climbs
35 push ups
1 mile run
15 burpees
25 sit ups
1 mile run
30 squats
15 pull ups
Stretch to cool down

Sunday, July 7, 2013


I have 13 weeks til I am to run my first marathon. I know I can run 15 miles, but the last month of training has been terrible. I got away from everything that got me to where I was at end of May. All of that changed today.
I have decided yo return to the interval training. I can run my miles while working out the way I really have come to enjoy. So from here out, whether it be 6 mile runs or 18 mile runs, there will be some form of interval routine mixed in at various distances.
Today's workout
30 8# sand bag tosses 12-15' high
30 push ups
Run 1 mile
15 burpees
25 sit ups
Run 1 mile
30 squats
15 pull ups
Stretches to cool down. This is going to be the most important thing I can do. Especially to help keep my plantar fascitis from bothering me.