Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

Had a great workout this afternoon. Going to back off running so much for next 4 weeks and work on my strength and adding a little size. I definitely want to improve my squats and dead lifts over this time. I have been doing squats, but just don't feel like I am that strong in them. Dead lifts on the other hand suck, I have never been a fan. I think once I get the form down for lifting I will do fine. So here is this afternoons routine.
50 burpees warm up
Pull ups 24# vest 3x5
Squats 3x5 1@205, 2@225
DB Shoulder Press 3x5 2@45, 1@50
Dead lift 3x5 3@185
Curls 3x5 3@75
Dips 3x5 BW
Calf Raises 3x5 3@180
50 burpees to finish
Rest was 1 min between each set and exercise. This is different than have done in past 22 months. See where it takes me. Happy training!

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