Monday, June 9, 2014

Spartan Super training 6/9/2014

My beast mode Monday has ended! I have done 1000 push ups this morning for time, completed in 42:01. This evening I did my workout and MMA class. Workout consisted of the following:
Squats 2x5@225#, 1x5@245#
Shoulder Press 3x5@135#
One arm rows 3x8@75#
Chopping Wood 3x8@110#
Burpees 100

Don't know how I managed to get the push ups part of the burpees done, but I did. Then after workout went to MMA class. We did another 30 push ups with 10 of them holding at bottom for 30-45 sec.
After warm ups, stretches, combos, etc, we put cage up and grappled. I think my grappling is improving. I went 2 rounds tonight and did not get submitted. Didn't win necessarily but was able to escape some different holds and worked hard to not get submitted.
What a great day!

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