Sunday, June 1, 2014

Spartan Super training, 6/1/14

Today I started back training. Seriously training! I am less than 90 days out from the Spartan Super in VA. I have been working on some workouts for me to do to get ready for this race.
I have decided to lift 2 days a week to improve my strength. The other days will be spent working on cardio, stamina and functional strength through various activities and exercises. I will definitely be looking to improve my core strength during this time.
Today felt great with my workouts. This morning I did 200 kettle bell swings, 100 flutter kicks, 100 in and outs, 30 sit ups and rolled on foam roll. This evening was 100 burpees and 100 kettle bell swings.
I look forward to seeing what results I get over next 80+ days. Nutrition is going to be the hardest thing for me to maintain. This is where I will work my hardest. Until tomorrow.

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