Had a great workout again today. This routine not only working my strength, but it challenges my anaerobic system as well. I feel like laying on ground and asking for oxygen after most of sets. It is awesome! I was able to complete more reps today, and increased the weight for push up dumbbell rows.
Today's routine:
Jump rope 250
Pull ups 10, 10, 10
Burpees 15, 15, 15
Rest 1 min
Squats 10, 10, 10
Back extension 15, 15, 15
Rest 1 min
Close grip pull up 5, 5, 5
Weighted hip thrusters 12, 12, 12
Rest 1 min
Dead lift 10, 10, 10
Box jumps 12, 12, 12
Rest 1 min
Push up dumbbell rows 10, 10, 7
Hanging alt foot over bar 4, 4, 4
Rest 1 min
Push ups 25, 25, 25
Muscle ups 5, 5, 5
Rest 1 min
Hack squat 12, 12, 12
Handstand push ups 5, 5, 5
Rest 1 min
Toes to bar 10, 10, 10
Side plank right 60s, 60s, 60s
Side plank left 60s, 60s, 60s
Rest 1 min
Heavy bag 60s, 60s, 60s
Low plank 60s, 60s, 60s
Rest 1 min
Tire flips 10, 10, 10
Russian twist 15, 15, 15
I had to fight for last 15 secs on last set of side planks. I feel my core is getting stronger as well. Look forward to another great day tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
February 19, 2014 training
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
February 18, 2014 training
Another great training day. Still cold out this morning and my feet felt it. Went back to using my toe shoes to run and workout on field to get ready for Spartan Sprint coming up in less than 3 weeks. The frozen ground this morning caused my toes to go numb for while. Just say did not feel feet when done.
Today I added another 100m to the burpee broad jumps I have been doing, so I am now at 300m total. I can tell my legs are getting stronger. My jumps are more powerful.
Here is today's workout
1 mile run (800m at a jog, then 200m sprint, 200m jog, 200m sprint, 200m jog)
Rest 1 min
100m bear crawl
100m sprint
Rest 1 min
100m bear crawl
100m sprint
Rest 1 min
100m bear crawl
100m sprint
Rest 1 min
300m burpee broad jump (183 burpees)
Rest 1 min
Low plank 180 secs
Rest 1 min
Side plank right 75 sec
Rest 30 sec
Side plank left 75 sec
Stretch to cool down
I had a great morning training. My arms and shoulders were like jello when done. Plank holds getting better. Look forward to tomorrow. Have great day!
Monday, February 17, 2014
February 17, 2014 training
This morning's workout was great. Failed to get all reps on few exercises. It was tough. I could feel a couple calories being torched. I had to crawl out of basement to get back to car. I did not even try to run this AM. I added 5 new exercises to the routine. They were pretty challenging. So today's routine went like this:
Jump rope 250
Pull ups 10, 10, 10
Burpees 15, 15, 15
Rest 1 min
Squats 10, 10, 10
Back extension 15, 15, 15
Rest 1 min
Close grip pull up 5, 4, 4
Weighted hip thrusters 12, 12, 12
Rest 1 min
Dead lift 10, 10, 10
Box jumps 12, 12, 12
Rest 1 min
Push up dumbbell rows 10, 10, 7
Hanging alt foot over bar 4, 3, 3
Rest 1 min
Push ups 25, 25, 25
Muscle ups 5, 5, 5
Rest 1 min
Hack squat 12, 12, 12
Handstand push ups 5, 5, 5
Rest 1 min
Toes to bar 10, 10, 8
Side plank right 60s, 60s, 45s
Side plank left 60s, 60s, 45s
Rest 1 min
Heavy bag 60s, 60s, 60s
Low plank 60s, 60s, 60s
Rest 1 min
Tire flips 10, 10, 10
Russian twist 15, 15, 15
The close grip pull ups, I did with hands one in front of other...and standing perpendicular to pull up bar. I alternated sides of the bar with head when came up...pull up completed to each side was one rep.
The hanging alternating foot over bar...used same grip as close grip pull up, then would lift one leg up and place heel over the bar, then switch. When both heels had gone over bar...counted one rep.
Push ups with dumbbell rows...I did push up holding dumbbells in hands, when back to top of push up, performed a dumbbell row, but I also moved forward along the floor. So instead of putting db straight back down, I put it out in front and then did same with other side, then inched feet forward to be back in push up position. One rep was after completed right and left row.
Would like to thank + Eric Low for sharing a video that made me decide to add a few of these exercises! Hopefully I can move tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
February 10 & 11th training
The past 2 days of training have been great. I feel like the time I am training will pay off in my upcoming Spartan Race. Yesterday had a great workout in the gym. I was able to increase my weights on dead lifts and hack squats. Only added 20# to dead lift, but I am still trying to make sure my form is good before going up higher. I always seem to hurt myself when I dead lift, don't need that 4 weeks from race day. I added 50# to the hack squat. I think I can go up more by end of week. Also increased to 30 push ups per set instead of 25, and did 12 box jumps instead of 10 per set. After my workout ran sprints on tread mill did 5 @ 12 mph for 45 sec each, with 2 min recovery jog @ 6 mph.
Last night went to MMA class. We did cage fighting last night. Pretty awesome! Grappled 2x3 min rounds and I was sucking wind when finished. That is some High Intensity Training. Then we did one 3 min round of Taekwondo with gloves and gear. Let's just say I got a ways yo go. Ended up with fat lip from taking round house to the mouth when I deflected it on a block and got my head beat in...but over all fun night.
Today was back to the track and football field. I jogged a mile to warm up. Then it was bear crawl time. I added another 100m to the routine today. So total of 300m bear crawls and 300m sprints. I then did 200m burpee broad jumps. Still 115 burpees to complete. Afterwards did 5yds of spiderman push up crawls. That was extremely tough. Then I did 6 stadiums carrying a 40# bucket of water. I alternated hands when got to bottom of each stadium. Finished with 135 sec low plank hold and stretches.
Here is break down of Monday
200 jump ropes
Pull ups 20, 15, 10, 5
Burpees 5, 10, 15, 20
Rest 1 minute
Squats 12, 12, 12
Back extensions 15, 15, 15
Rest 1 min
Dead lifts 10, 10, 10
Box jumps 12, 12, 12
Rest 1 min
Push ups 30, 30, 30
Muscle ups 6, 6, 6
Rest 1 min
Hack squat 12, 12, 12
Handstand push ups 5, 5, 5
Rest 1 min
Toes to bar 10, 10, 10
Side plank left 30s, 30s, 30s
Side plank right 30s, 30s, 30s
Rest 1 min
Heavy bag 60s, 60s, 60s
Low plank 60s, 60s, 60s
Rest 1 min
Tire flips 10, 10, 10
Ran 5 sprints @ 12 mph x 45s, 2 min jog @ 6 mph to recover.
Hoping to increase reps on handstand push ups this week as well. Hope everyone has great day!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Review of my training this week. The week has gone great. I have trained very hard. Started back to Taekwondo and began MMA classes. Oh my, after grappling on Monday I felt like been at first day of football practice in pads. I had soreness in muscles that have not been sore in very long time, my neck was sorest. But it is awesome out on the floor grappling. Best HIIT workout I have had in while. I was sucking some major wind, looking for oxygen tank.
I had to change my routine some on Wednesday due to rain, I did not do tire flips. I did dead lifts superset with box jumps. I ended up enjoying this and kept it for Friday's routine as well. Plus I added on Wed 2 rounds of 1 minute heavy bag jab/cross and 1 minute low plank holds. Friday I added 1 more round of this to my routine and also added back the tire flips with doing 3x10.
Tues and Thurs I added 100m burpee broad jump to the routine, so that makes total of 200m. I can tell I am getting stronger in my legs and core. I was able to complete the 200m burpee broad jumps in 6 less. Also I am able to complete the entire 100m bear crawls without stopping.
Today I completed my week with a 5k race. I ran 1 min slower than last 5k, finishing in 20:28 today. The best thing about it was I finished 1st overall.
So I have had an awesome week training. There are 4 weeks til Spartan Sprint. I promise to be in better shape than when I ran it in October.
Breakdown of workouts:
M, W, F
200 jump ropes
Pull ups 20, 15, 10, 5
Burpees 5, 10, 15, 20
Rest 1 min
Squats 12, 12, 12
Back extensions 15, 15, 15
Rest 1 min
Tire flip with 2 tire jumps 10, 10, 10
Rest 1 min
Push ups 25, 25, 25
Muscle ups 6, 6, 6
Rest 1 min
Hack squats 12, 12, 12
Hand stand push ups 5, 5, 5
Rest 1
Toes to bar 10, 10, 10
Side plank right 30s, 30s, 30s
Side plank left 30s, 30s, 30s
Rest 1 min
Wed did this in place of the tire flip tire jumps:
Dead lifts 10, 10, 10
Box jumps 10, 10, 10
Heavy bag jab/cross 60s, 60s
Low plank 60s, 60s
Friday I decided to leave dead lifts and box jumps, added another round to the heavy bag and low planks. Also added 3x10 tire flips to the routine Friday.
Monday and Wednesday I ran 1 mile each day. I jogged 2x1/4 mile @ 6mph and 2x1/4 mile @10+mph. Friday did not run.
Tuesday and Thursday
Jogged 1 mile
2 rounds:
100m bear crawls
100m sprint
Rest 1 min
200m burpee broad jumps
Tues was 121 burpees, Thurs was 115 burpees.
Taekwondo done Mon, Tues, Thurs
MMA done Mon, Wed
Like said, been an awesome week. Looking forward to next weeks workouts. Have a fun safe week.